Triangles: Theorems and Problems 30
Proposed Problem
127. Centroid and Incenter of a Triangle,
Parallel, Proportions.
Proposed Problem
126. Incenter of Triangle, Angle Bisector, Proportions.
Euclid's Elements Book VI, Proposition 3: Angle Bisector Theorem |
The significance of the Pythagorean theorem by Jacob Bronowski.
Pythagorean Theorem, 47th Proposition of Euclid's
Book I. |
Proposed Problem
125. Area of Triangle, Star,
Trisection of Sides.
Proposed Problem
124. Area of triangle,
Similarity, Trisection of Sides.
Proposed Problem
123. Area of triangle,
Similarity, Trisection of Sides.
Proposed Problem
122. Marion Walter's Theorem.
Area of triangle and Hexagon, Trisection of Sides.
Proposed Problem
121. Similarity and Area
of triangle, Trisection of Sides.
Bottema's Theorem:
Triangle and Squares with Interactive
Geometry Software
Step-by-Step construction, Manipulation, and animation. |
Complete Quadrilateral: Ortholine-Steiner Line.
Step-by-Step construction, Manipulation, and animation |
Proposed Problem
120. Area of triangle,
incenter, excircles,
Proposed Problem
119. Area of triangle,
incenter, excircle,
Proposed Problem
118. Area of triangle,
incenter, excenter,