Online Geometry

Triangles: Theorems and Problems 22


Elearn 232: Parallelogram, perpendicular lines

Proposed Problem 232. Parallelogram, Line through a vertex, Perpendicular lines.  

Elearn 231: Triangle, Midpoint

Proposed Problem 231. Triangle, Midpoints, Transversal, Perpendicular lines.  

Elearn 230: Triangle, Midpoint, Transversal

Proposed Problem 230. Triangle, Midpoints, Transversal, Perpendicular lines.  

Elearn 229: Triangle, Centroid, Transversal

Proposed Problem 229. Triangle, Centroid, Transversal, Perpendicular lines.  

Elearn 228: Triangle, Midpoint

Proposed Problem 228. Triangle, Midpoints, Exterior line, Perpendiculars lines.  

Elearn 227: Triangle, Centroid

Proposed Problem 227. Triangle, Centroid, Exterior line, Perpendicular lines.  

Problem 226: Triangle, Centroid

Proposed Problem 226. Triangle, Centroid, Perpendiculars.  

Viviani theorem, isosceles triangle, extension on the base

Proposed Problem 224. Viviani's theorem, Isosceles triangle, Altitude, Distances, Point on the extension of the base.  

Viviani theorem, Isosceles triangle

Proposed Problem 223. Viviani's theorem, Isosceles triangle, Altitude, Distances.  

Viviani theorem, Equilateral triangle, exterior point

Proposed Problem 222. Viviani's theorem, Equilateral triangle, Exterior point, Distances.  

Viviani's theorem I

Proposed Problem 221. Viviani's theorem, Equilateral triangle, Interior point, Distances.  

Lune of Hippocrates Index

Lune of Hippocrates Index.

Right triangle, inradius, altitude, arithmetic mean

Proposed Problem 220. Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Distance, Arithmetic Mean.

Elearn 218: Right triangle

Proposed Problem 218. Right triangle, Altitude and Projections.

Elearn 217: Right triangle, Altitude, Projections

Proposed Problem 217. Right triangle, Altitude and Projections.

Elearn: Quadrilateral, Angle Bisectors, Concurrency

Proposed Problem 216. Quadrilateral, Angle Bisectors, and Concurrency.

Triangle Centers Video

Journey to the Center of a Triangle (1976). Incenter, Circumcenter, Centroid, Orthocenter.

Congruent triangle video

Congruent Triangles: SAS, SSS, ASA. Demonstrates with animation the various relationships of angles and sides to congruency in triangles.

Elearn 213 Triangle Inradius, Common Tangents

Proposed Problem 213. Triangle, Incircle, Inradius, Semicircles, Common Tangents.

Elearn 212: 120 degree triangle, area

Proposed Problem 212. 120 Degree Triangle, Equilateral triangles, Areas.

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