Online Geometry

Triangles: Theorems and Problems 23


Archimedes Arbelos and Square

Archimedes Arbelos and Square 2. Dynamic Geometry Software.
Step-by-Step construction, Manipulation, and animation.

Archimedes Arbelos and Square

Archimedes Arbelos and Square 1. Dynamic Geometry Software.
Step-by-Step construction, Manipulation, and animation.

Elearn 211: 60 degree triangle, area

Proposed Problem 211. 60 Degree Triangle, Equilateral triangles, Areas.

Elearn 210

Proposed Problem 210. Triangle, Angles, Auxiliary Lines.

Elearn 209

Proposed Problem 209. Triangle, Incircles, Inradius.  

Elearn 208: Triangle, Angles

Proposed Problem 208. Triangle, Excircles, Angles, 360 degrees.  

Geometry: Triangle Area, inradius, exradii

Proposed Problem 195. Area of a Triangle, Inradius, Exradii.  

Elearn 208: Triangle, Angles

Proposed Problem 208. Triangle, Excircles, Angles, 360 degrees.  

Problem 207: Hypotenuse

Proposed Problem 207. Right Triangle, Hypotenuse, Inradius, Exradius relative to the hypotenuse.  

Elearn 206

Problem 206. Area of a Right Triangle, Inradius, andExradius relative to the hypotenuse.  

Right triangle area

Proposed Problem 205. Right Triangle Area, Exradii relatives to legs or catheti.  

Geometry problems 361-370

Triangle Word Cloud

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