Geometry Problem 1571: Prove that the intermediate angle in a Pythagorean Triple 7-24-25 measures 74 degrees using geometric methods. A High School and College Geometry Challenge

Given a Pythagorean triangle with sides measuring 7, 24, and 25, demonstrate that the intermediate angle, rounded to the nearest integer, measures 74 degrees. Please use geometric methods rather than trigonometry to enhance understanding of the triangle's properties.

Diagram of a Pythagorean triangle with sides 7, 24, and 25. Geometry Problem 1571.

Pythagorean sides,
Seventy-four degrees found,
Geometry shines.

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Key Definitions and Descriptions

Vocabulary Description
Pythagorean Triple A right-angled triangle where the sides are three positive integers such that satisfy the Pythagorean theorem.. In this problem, the sides are 7, 24, and 25.
Intermediate Angle The angle in a triangle that is neither the largest nor the smallest. For the 7-24-25 triangle, this angle is being proven to be approximately 74 degrees.
Geometric Methods Techniques used to solve problems based on the properties of shapes and figures, rather than using trigonometric functions.
Geometric Proof A logical argument using definitions, axioms, and previously established theorems to show that a geometric statement is true.
High School and College Geometry Courses and studies focusing on the properties and applications of shapes, sizes, and theorems in both high school and college-level math.

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Flyer of Geometry Problem 1571 with Pythagorea Triple 7-24-25, Pythagorean Triangle-74-Degree Angle, using iPad Apps, Tutor