College Geometry Online, eLearning


Collinear Points, Theorems and Problems - Table of Content 1

Collinear Points Index


Point, Theorems and Problems, Index

Points, Theorems and Problems - Index.

Lemoine Line Theorem

Lemoine Line Theorem, Interactive illustration.
HTML5 Animation for iPad and Nexus
Adobe Flash Animation

Nine-Point Center, Nine-Point Circle, Euler Line.
Interactive illustration.
Collinear Points.

Geometry Problem 1562

Geometry Problem 1562: Proof of Collinearity in a Right-angled Triangle involving the Altitude, Angle bisectors, and Midpoint.

Dynamic Geometry 1476

Dynamic Geometry 1476.
Droz-Farny Line Theorem, Triangle, Orthocenter, Perpendicular, Collinear Midpoints, Step-by-step Illustration. GeoGebra, iPad.

Geometry Problem 1466

Geometry Problem 1466.
Tangential Quadrilateral, Newton Line, Incenter, Midpoint, Diagonal, Collinear Points. Step-by-step Illustration using GeoGebra.

Geometry Problem 1461

Geometry Problem 1462.
Newton-Line, Newton-Gauss Line, Complete Quadrilateral, Midpoints of Sides and Diagonals, Collinear Points.

Geometry Problem 1460

Dynamic Geometry 1460.
Newton-Gauss Line, Complete Quadrilateral, Midpoints of Diagonals, Collinear Points, Step-by-step Illustration using GeoGebra.

Geometry Problem 1454

Geometry Problem 1454.
Intersecting Circles, Perpendicular Lines, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Collinear Points, iPad. Step-by-step illustration using GeoGebra.

Dynamic Geometry 1450

Dynamic Geometry 1450.
Ortholine, Steiner Line, Complete Quadrilateral, Collineal Orthocenters. Step-by-step illustration using GeoGebra.

Dynamic Geometry 1449

Dynamic Geometry 1449.
Salmon Line. Step-by-step illustration using GeoGebra.

Pappus Theorem

Pappus Theorem. Dynamic Geometry.
Step-by-Step construction, Manipulation, and animation.
Collinear Points.

Gergonne Line

Interactive Gergonne Line and Nobbs Points. Dynamic Geometry.
Step-by-Step construction, Manipulation, and animation.
Collinear Points.

Dynamic Geometry 1448

Dynamic Geometry 1448.
Simson Line. Step-by-step illustration using GeoGebra.

Interactive Simson Line

Interactive Simson Line. Dynamic Geometry.
Step-by-Step construction, Manipulation, and animation.
Collinear Points.

Dynamic Geometry: Lemoine Line of a Triangle. HTML5 Animation for Tablets (iPad, Nexus..)

GeoGebra, Dynamic Geometry: Lemoine Line of a Triangle.
HTML5 Animation for Tablets (iPad, Nexus..)

Dynamic Geometry: Simson Line of a Triangle. HTML5 Animation for Tablets (iPad, Nexus..)

GeoGebra, Dynamic Geometry: Simson Line of a Triangle.
HTML5 Animation for Tablets (iPad, Nexus..)

Sawayama -Thebault's theorem
Collinear Points.

Monge & d'Alembert Three Circles Theorem II with Dynamic Geometry. You can alter the geometric construction dynamically in order to test and prove (or disproved) conjectures and gain mathematical insight that is less readily available with static drawings by hand.
Collinear Points.

Monge & d'Alembert Three Circles Theorem I with Dynamic Geometry. You can alter the geometric construction dynamically in order to test and prove (or disproved) conjectures and gain mathematical insight that is less readily available with static drawings by hand.
Collinear Points.

Triangle with the bisectors of the exterior angles

Triangle with the bisectors of the exterior angles. Collinearity.
Key concept: Menelaus Theorem.
Collinear Points

Complete quadrilateral: ortholine, Elearning

Complete Quadrilateral: Ortholine-Steiner Line.
Step-by-Step construction, Manipulation, and animation
Collinear Points.

Triangle Square Theorem 1. Elearning, Online Tutoring

Triangle and Squares Theorem 1: with Interactive Geometry Software
Step-by-Step construction, Manipulation, and animation.
Collinear Points.

Newton's Theorem, Newton-Gauss Line: Complete quadrilateral theorem. Using TracenPoche Dynamic Geometry Software, Online Step-by-Step construction, manipulation, and animation.
Collinear Points.

Schiffler Point: Four Euler Lines with interactive animation and manipulation.
Collinear Points.

Pascal's Mystic Hexagram Theorem Proof

Newton's Theorem: Newton's Line. Circumscribed quadrilateral, midpoints of diagonals, center of the circle inscribed.
Collinear Points.

Equilic Quadrilateral.
Collinear Points. 

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Last updated: Jul 13, 2024