Teoremas y Problemas de Geometria, Pre-Universitaria, Bachillerato


Rectas Perpendiculares, Teoremas y Problemas - Tabla de Contenido 4

Rectas Perpendiculares, Teoremas y Problemas


Proposition 13
Circle, Diameter, Perpendicular a la cuerda, Congruence.

Proposition 14
Salinon: Semicircles, Perpendicular al diametro, Circles, Areas.

Proposition 15
Circle, Perpendicular al diametro, Inscribed Regular Pentagon, Arc, Midpoint,  Radius

Euclid Elements Book X, Lemma for Proposition 33

Euclid's Elements, Book X, Lemma for Proposition 33
One page visual illustration.
Rectas Perpendiculares, Rectas Paralelas.

Tangent Circles, Radius

Problema de Geometría 290.
Internally Tangent circles, Radius, Rectas Perpendiculares, Tangent.

Geometry Expressions

Geometry Expressions.
Rectas Perpendiculares

Tangent Circles

Problema de Geometría 289: Tangent circles, Radius, Perpendicular, Tangent.

Chartres Cathedral

Engineering the Impossible: Chartres Cathedral
Circle, Square, Triangle, Rectas Perpendiculares.

Quadrilateral, Perpendicular, Squares, Area

Problema de Geometría 280.
Quadrilateral, Rectas Perpendiculares, , Rectas Paralelas, Area of Squares.

Piet Mondrain, New York City

Piet Mondrian, New York City 1941-42 and the Golden Rectangle.
Rectas Perpendiculares.

Piet Mondrian, Lozenge

Piet Mondrian, Lozenge Composition with Red, Black, Blue, and Yellow 1925,
Pioneer of Geometric abstraction.
Rectas Perpendiculares.

Problem 273 Triangle and Squares

Problema de Geometría 273.
Triangle, Rectas Perpendiculares, Rectas Paralelas, Area of Squares.

Rectangle, Isosceles Right Triangle, Square, Area

Problema de Geometría 252.
Rectangle, isosceles right triangle, Rectas Perpendiculares, square, area.

Elearning 251: Parallelogram

Problema de Geometría 251.
Parallelogram, sides, diagonals, squares, Rectas Perpendiculares, areas.

Eight Point Circle Theorem. TracenPoche

Eight-Point Circle Theorem
Step-by-Step construction, Manipulation, and animation.
TracenPoche Interactive Geometry Software
Rectas Perpendiculares.

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