The Roman Colosseum and the Golden Rectangle

Majestic and grand,
Golden proportions in stone,
Colosseum stands tall.

Roman Colosseum

A logarithmic spiral, known as the golden spiral, is formed by successive golden rectangles that divide a larger golden rectangle into squares.

The Roman Colosseum (70 - 82 A.D.)  Rome, Italy, This great amphitheater in the centre of Rome was built to give favors to successful legionnaires and to celebrate the glory of the Roman Empire. Its design concept still stands to this very day, and virtually every modern sports stadium some 2,000 years later still bears the irresistible imprint of the Colosseum's original design. Today, through films and history books, we are even more aware of the cruel fights and games that took place in this arena, all for the joy of the spectators.
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A golden rectangle
is a rectangle whose side lengths are in the golden ratio, one-to-phi, that is, approximately 1:1.618. A distinctive feature of this shape is that when a square section is removed, the remainder is another golden rectangle, that is, with the same proportions as the first. Square removal can be repeated infinitely, which leads to an approximation of the golden or Fibonacci spiral. .

Roman Colosseum

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Last updated: September 14, 2009