Inca History according to Guaman Poma
The MindMap of Inca History according to Guaman Poma
is an image-centered diagram that represents the table of content of Guaman
Poma's great work: El Primer Nueva Corónica y Buen Gobierno (The First New
Chronicle and Good Government).
Chapters about the Incas (see the diagram above):
6. The chapter of the Incas
8. The chapter of the Inca’s
captains and their noble ladies
9. The chapter of the Inca’s laws
13. The chapter of burials of the
14. The chapter of the Inca’s chosen
17. The chapter of the Inca’s
18. The chapter of the Inca’s
Illustrations from 1615 by The
"Incas Chronicler" Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala about the Incas
Finding his most persuasive medium to be the visual image,
he organizes his 1200-page Nueva corónica y buen gobierno
(New Chronicle and Good Government) around his 398
pen-and-ink drawings, all skillfully executed by his own hand.
For the archaeologist, Guaman Poma's drawings of native life
under the Incas are like photographs of the past.
Guaman Poma, "the author Ayala," kneeling
alongside the king of Spain, before the Pope. |
The ninth
Inca of the Kingdom of Cuzco |
Feast of the
Incas: wariqsa, dance; arawi, song of the
Inca. He sings with his red
llama. |
Tupac Inca
The Inca's
litter of precious stones, qhispi rampa. |
Huayna Capac
The Inka's
red litter, pillku rampa, used in war. |
Guaman Poma - 'El primer Nueva corónica y buen gobierno'.
Last updated: July 5, 2009.
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