iPad Apps, Geometry Education

iPad Apps for Geometry, College, High School, K-12, Educators: Table of Content


iPad Apps and Geometry: Index 16

iPad Apps Index


Augmented Reality AR of problem 127

Augmented Reality (AR), Geometric Art of Problem 127 using iPad Pro Apps.
Centroid, Incenter.

Geometric Art of Problem 800 using Mobile Apps

Geometric Art of Problem 800 using Mobile Apps.

Typography of problem 184: Triangle, Angle

Typography and Sketch of Problem 184.

Geometric Art of Problem 417 using Mobile Apps

Geometric Art of Problem 417 using Mobile Apps.

Typography problem 161 Parallelogram and Octagon Areas

Typography of Problem 161.

Kaleidoscope of Problem 974 Poincare Disk Model

Kaleidoscope of Problem 974 based on Poincare Disk Model. iPad Apps.

Isolines of Langley's Problem

Geometric Art: Isolines or Contour Lines of Langley's Problem, Isosceles Triangle 80-20-80 Degrees, Geometry for Kids, iPad, Software

Isolines: Celtic Maze

Geometric Art: Isolines, Celtic Maze, Spiral Pattern, Geometry for Kids, Software, iPad, Parallel Lines

Geometric Art: Mobile Apps 001, Software, iPad, Point, Line, Plane.

iPad Apps iCrosss, Polyhedron, 3D

iPad, iPhone Apps: iCrosss, 3D Polyhedron - Video.
Application supports such kinds of polyhedra as regular polyhedra
 (Platonic solids), Pyramids, Prisms, Anti-prisms and Archimedean solids and duals.

Rembrandt: The Descent from the Cross and Golden Rectangles

Rembrandt: The Descent from the Cross (1634), Golden Rectangles. HTML5 Animation for iPad.

Geometry problems 221-230

Jigsaw Puzzle Geometry Problems 221 - 230.
22 Piece Polygons.
HTML5 canvas for iPad, Nexus and touch Devices.

Durer: Portrait of a Young Venetian Woman

Portrait of a Young Venetian Woman (1905) by Albrecht Durer and Golden Rectangles.

Intihuatana at Machu Picchu

The Intihuatana at Machu Picchu and Golden Rectangles. Tile 1.
HTML5 Animation.

Pi Mind Map with the first 100 decimals digits. Made with TypeDrawing and Wikiweb for iPad

Pi Mind Map with the first 100 decimals digits. Made with TypeDrawing and Wikiweb for iPad.

The 100 Best iPad Apps 2012 Mind Map

The 100 Best iPad Apps 2012, Interactive Mind Map.

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