The Incas: Machu Picchu, Cuzco, Inca Trail

Machu Picchu Index

Machu Picchu Index


Machu Picchu Word Cloud

Machu Picchu Word Cloud.

Hiram Bingham in Machu Picchu, 1948

Hiram Bingham in Machu Picchu, 1948 - Video.
In 1948 Peru invited Bingham back to Machu Picchu for the dedication of a new road that would improve access to the historic site.

Machu Picchu 3D

Machu Picchu Post 3D - Video.
Short 3D film made by Clement Crocq, Margaux Durand-Rival and Nicolas Novali at Supinfocom Arles, France.

Machu Picchu Terraces

Machu Picchu Terraces.
Parts of Machu Picchu are covered agricultural terraces.

Aguas Calientes, Cusco

Aguas Calientes News

Machu Picchu

Who Found Machu Picchu?.
Detailed investigations by a US historian have revealed that Machu Picchu was, in fact, discovered over 40 years earlier by a German businessman.

Machu Picchu,

The Lost City of the Incas.


Machu Picchu Map.
Explore this interactive map of the "Lost City of the Incas."

Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.  Interactive map. Satellite Image. Google Earth.

Machu Picchu Trekking View.

Machu Picchu window 7

Machu Picchu Window 7.

Machu Picchu window 6

Machu Picchu Window 6.

Machu Picchu window 5

Machu Picchu Window 5.

Machu Picchu window 4

Machu Picchu Window 4.

Machu Picchu window 3

Machu Picchu Window 3.

Machu Picchu window 2

Machu Picchu Window 2.

Machu Picchu window

Machu Picchu Window 1.

Machu Picchu and Putucusi

Machu Picchu and Putucusi.
Cuzco, Peru.

Machu Picchu in the morning

Machu Picchu in the Morning.
The mystical appearance.

Machu Picchu in the morning

Machu Picchu in the Morning.
The mystical appearance.

Machu Picchu and the Intihuatana

Machu Picchu, the Intihuatana stone and Golden Rectangles.

Machu Picchu and Putucusi

Machu Picchu, Putucusi and Golden Rectangles.

Machu Picchu and the Flower of Life

Machu Picchu, interactive panorama view from San Miguel Mountains.


Machu Picchu and Sierpinski Triangle. Fractal illustration with animation

Machu Picchu and Geometric Art

Machu Picchu and Geometric Art

Machu Picchu Condor's Eye View

Inca Trail to Machu Picchu: Huinay Hayna

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu and Sierpinski Triangle.