Go Geometry Education

Six squares with a common vertex using iPad Apps Geoboard, by The Math Learning Center

Geoboard: six squares

I have used Geoboard for iPad to visualize six squares with a common vertex and check out a variety of conjectures.

Download on the App Store: Geoboard, by The Math Learning Center - Clarity Innovations

Geoboard, by The Math Learning Center
The Geoboard is a mathematical manipulative tool for exploring a variety of basic concepts in plane geometry introduced in the elementary and middle grades. Learners stretch bands around pegs to form line segments and polygons and make discoveries about perimeter, area, angles, congruence, translation, rotation, reflection, similarity, scaling,, fractions, and more.
This virtual version of the manipulative is an open-ended educational tool, ideal for elementary classrooms and other learning environments that use iPod Touches, iPhones, or iPads.

Home | iPad app | Geoboard | Geometry | Geometry for Kids | Square | Email | Post a comment | by Antonio Gutierrez