Geometry Problems, Online Education
Online Geometry Problem 876: Equilateral Triangle, any Point, Perpendicular, Right Triangle Area, Sum of Areas. Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows an equilateral triangle ABC of area S. P is any point and PD, PE, and PF are perpendicular to AB, BC, and AC, respectively. If S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6 are the areas of the shaded regions, prove that S1+S3+S5 = S2+S4+S6 = S/2. This entry contributed by Ajit Athle.


Geometry problem 876: Equilateral Triangle, any Point, Perpendicular, Right Triangle Area, Sum of Areas


Home | SearchGeometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 871-880 | Triangle | Equilateral Triangle | Perpendicular | Right Triangle | Area | Triangle area | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez