Sketch and Typography of Geometry Problem 1321: Intersecting Circles, iPad Apps

Two circles with centers O and Q intersect at points E and F. AB and CD are diameters of circles O and Q, respectively. AC cuts the circles Q and O at G and H, respectively. BD cuts the circles Q and O at J and K. AK cuts DG at L. BH cuts CJ at M. Prove that the points F, L, M, and E are collinear.

Geometry Problem 1321: Triangle, Circle, Diameter, Tangent, Altitude, Congruent Angles

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Geometric Art using Mobile Apps

Geometric art is a form of art based on the use and application of geometric figures. A geometric figure is any set or combination of points, lines, surfaces and solids. A mobile app or mobile application software is a computer program designed to run on smartphones and tablet computers.

See also:
Original problem 1321
Geometry Problems
Geometric Art

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