Online Geometry Problems

Online Geometry Problem 1080: Square, Circle, Tangent, Side, Radius, Metric Relations, Sangaku. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education


The figure below shows a square ABCD of side "a" and the square AGHM. The circle O of radius OH = GH/2 is tangent to BC, CD and EF. Prove that Formula to prove 1080.


Square, Circle, Tangent, Side, Radius, Metric Relations


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given.



Home | SearchGeometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 1071-1080 | Triangles | Circles | Square | Circle Tangent LineSangaku | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Feb 8, 2015