Mining in the World

Mining in the World: Toquepala Copper Mine in Action - Index

Toquepala Mine  Plaza Index


Toquepala Mine, Blasting

Toquepala Mine in Tacna, Peru: Mining and Blasting at the Open Pit - Video.

Toquepala construction 1957 

Toquepala Construction 1957, Video.

Toquepala Komatus 930E

Toquepala, Open Pit Mining Operation, Komatsu 930E.

Toquepala Mine

Toquepala Mine Map.
Explore Toquepala, Ilabaya, Tacna, Peru through detailed satellite imagery.

Open Pit Art, Toquepala Copper Mine

Toquepala Copper Mine, Tacna, Peru, Open Pit Mining Art

Toquepala, Villa Staff and Plaza

Toquepala Villa Staff and Plaza.

Toquepala city 2009

Toquepala City.
Video and Interactive Satellite Map.
Staff Office, Church, Hotel, Mercantil, Plaza, Ramon Castilla School, Airport, Apartmen buildings, Swimming pool, Colegio Americano, Clubs.


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