Teoremas y Problemas de Geometria, Pre-Universitaria, Bachillerato


Rectas Perpendiculares, Teoremas y Problemas - Tabla de Contenido 7

Rectas Perpendiculares, Teoremas y Problemas


Problem 207: Hypotenuse

Problema de Geometría 207. Right Triangle, Hypotenuse, Inradius, Exradius relative to the hypotenuse, Rectas Perpendiculares.  

Elearn 206

Problem 206. Area of a Right Triangle, Inradius, and Exradius relative to the hypotenuse, Rectas Perpendiculares.  

Right triangle area

Problema de Geometría 205. Right Triangle Area, Exradii relatives to legs or catheti, Rectas Perpendiculares.  

Elearn 204

Problema de Geometría 204. Right Triangle, Incircle, Excircles, Inradius, Exradii, Rectas Perpendiculares.  

Problem 203

Problema de Geometría 203. Right Triangle, Excircles, Exradii, Hypotenuse, Rectas Perpendiculares.

Problem 202 Right triangle, excircles

Problema de Geometría 202. Right Triangle, Incicrle, Excircles relatives to catheti, Points of Tangency, Exradius, Semiperimeter, Rectas Perpendiculares.  

Elearn 201

Problema de Geometría 201. Right Triangle, Excircles, Points of Tangency, Exradius, Semiperimeter, Rectas Perpendiculares.

Elearning 200: Right Triangle

Problema de Geometría 200. Triangulo Rectangulo, Circunferencia Inscrita, Circunferencias Exinscritas, Puntos de Tangencia, Inradio, Rectas Perpendiculares.

Archimedes Arbelos and Square

Archimedes Arbelos and Square 2. Dynamic Geometry Software.
Step-by-Step construction, Manipulation, and animation
, Rectas Perpendiculares.

Archimedes Arbelos and Square

Archimedes Arbelos and Square 1. Geometria Dinamica.
Step-by-Step construction, Manipulation, and animation
, Rectas Perpendiculares.

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